
I just spent the last hour at work choosing a new layout for my blog.  Honestly, I’m going to miss this job.  Since it’s a work/study program, I can only work this semester.  Since I’m graduating, that means I only have this week and next week.  And since the government pays me (it’s sort of like a scholarship), I can only work until that money runs out.  What does that mean??  Basically, I can work 20 hours this week, and 9.25 next week. 


Sad, but true.  After I’m done here I have no idea what I am going to do, besides look for a job and get married.  Speaking of which…I’m going to plan hard core starting tomorrow (seriously….tomorrow).  I just took my last exam this morning, and so I’m going to go home and take a nap, then play with my doggie, maybe some time Brent, then bed!!! 


Sunday is graduation…..which is the last step to end this part of my life.  Monday I have 3 HUGE things to write about…they are amazing!



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It’s been too long…

So what’s been happening with me??????  Life.


I survived my last week of class, complete with turning in three portfolio’s of my entire semester’s work, a paper, and an anthology which I co-edited for a poetry class.  It was hectic, and I’m so glad it’s over.  Now, all that’s left is exam week (dun…dun…dun…).  But honestly, I only have one exam this week, so I can’t complain.  It’s on Wednesday and then after that I’m done!!!! 
On Sunday I will be a college graduate.  I’m so excited!!  Then after that,  I am all wedding.  Which means that I need to get crackin’ on last minute stuff.   Flowers, decorations, music, etc.  There’s a huge list. 


So until I’m done with school, I’ll be neglecting writing on here…wish me luck!  🙂

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My mom and I started a work out together which we will do Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  It went pretty well.  After we did an ab work-out video, we walked on the treadmill/did the elliptical and talked.  It was really good to just talk to my mom, about everything.  We had a good time, while sweating and burning calories! 


And today, at the law school, they held a “kiss the pig” contest.  Students could donate money to a local humane society and whichever professor had $50 donated to thier name had to kiss the pig.  Well…the four professors that were willing to have money donated ALL had to kiss the pig!  Honestly, I felt badly for the pig.  It was a baby pig, and was squealing and trying to get out of its little cage.  One professor picked it up and the pig was NOT happy.  Poor little guy.  Thankfully, because of the professor’s sacrifice (or the pigs…) the students raised $300 for the humane society! 




This last one is my boss…haha!


School is out in less than a month…pretty stoked!

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Less than 100 days

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Craziness, Craziness, Craziness

So, wow.  That’s about all I can say about my life right now.  I feel like everything in my life is piling up, like a stack of papers on a desk that you just DO NOT want to clean off.  Or maybe my life is more like a snow ball that is falling down a hill of snow, growing and getting bigger.  No, wait I got it.  I’m the little kid who is running away from the huge snow ball.  Yep, that’s it.


Ok for real now I’ll just let you in on a few things that I have done (and things I have not done) in the past couple of weeks.  First, I haven’t slept through the night in about two whole weeks.  Literally, I am up every five-ten minutes.  I could blame in on Nina, since she takes up valuable real estate on my bed, but really, it’s just stuff on my mind.  Like the wedding, work, school, church, the wedding, did I mention the wedding?


I completed this HUGE project at work and I was so excited about it.  For the past month and a half, I have been working on a very large project that took up most of my time at work.  Then, the same day I was celebrating being done, I was given a new project that was just as big and will take me until I graduate to finish.  I literally got off work that day, went to my car, and cried for about ten minutes.  Thankfully, my boss has given me lots of breathing room.  I can work on it sparatically, and take breaks when I want.  My bosses are amazing women, and I really do love my job.


I was just offered today a chance to edit a paper for a student and get paid for it!  Holla!  Something that an English major can actually do!  Basically, someone translated a paper from Chinese into English, and now I have to make it readable (or understandable) for the profesor.  Pretty cool.


We registered!  Yay!  We did it at Wal-Mart and Sears.  Sears was a difficult option, but I have Fiesta dishes, and Sears sells them, so I can complete my set.  I was satisfied with both places.  Since I already have most things to start a home, we also registered at  It’s pretty cool!


We had a difficult issue with our Pastor, and we resolved it.  All is well.  So, we the pastor to marry us is something we can check off our list.  That was a big burden lifted.  I’m thankful for our church family, and that we have figured stuff out.


OH!  And how could I forget……we found an apartment!  🙂  Thanks to my amazing family, we have it all cleaned and painted and ready to move in!  Brent is going to live there until the wedding (it’s an experiment…you know, to see how he lasts without anyone there to help…lol, j/k I’ll be there to clean and stuff).  We took two loads over yesterday, and the kitchen is fully unpacked.  It’s a cute little place, I’ll post pictures eventually.  And it’s close to this amazing Chinese restaurant that we ate at last night.  I’m pretty stoked!


Other than that, it’s been school, school, school.  Yesterday I FINALLY finished my short story for a class.  It was supposed to be 20 pages, but I ended it at 16.  I was too tired last night.  I have another one due next week…boo.


So that’s my life right now.  Piled up, running away from a big ball of snow falling down a hill.

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Fun Weekend

I’m excited about this weekend.  I get to see Hilary who is here from Colombus.  I get to spend all day tomorrow with my mommy.  We’re going up to Ann Arbor, MI to go to the Scrap Box (coolest place ever) and then to the Macaroni Grill (Second coolest place ever).  Yay for a fun weekend!  I post pictures of the fun on Monday.

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Spring is in the air!

I got received (seriously, I hate the word “got”) flowers from my boss yesterday for spring, and for a cancer awareness day they had.  They are so beautiful.  They started up yesterday all closed up.



Then when I came into work today, they were open!  It seriously made my day!  They are gorgeous. 



It makes me so happy because at home I have some amazing flowers from Brent (from our anniversary).



Flowers, flowers everywhere!  This has given me such a boost today.  Waking up to flowers, then coming in to work and seeing them!  Happiness!  Yay!


Oh, and it is such a beautiful day, too.  I think I might skip my afternoon class and go for a walk.  I know, it’s a terrible waste of money to skip class, but honestly, I’d rather be outside.

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Six Years Ago (Yesterday) :)


Our First Date 🙂

Six years of dating, and he still gives me butterflies!



Reasons I know he’s the one:

After six years of dating, he still opens my car door.

After six years of dating, he has never once raised his voice at me.

After six years of dating, he still tells me he loves me like ten times a day.

After six years of dating, he still holds my hand.

After six years of dating, he still buys me flowers and writes me love notes.

After six years of dating, he is still my best friend.

After six years of dating, he  is actually excited to live with me.

After six years of dating, he loves my cooking (even if I KNOW it didn’t turn out right)

After six years of dating, he still takes me on romantic dates.

After six years of dating, he still tries to make my life better in any way he can.

After six years of dating, his hug is what I look forward to as soon as I get off work.

After six years of dating, my friends and family have fallen in love with him too 🙂

After six years of dating, I’ve seen him grow into the most compassionate, patient, loving man I know.

After six years of dating, he still wants to marry me!!!!



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Spring Break Isn’t Coming Fast Enough

I think that I should have given up complaining for lent, but then, what would I write about?  I’m getting so behind in school work simply because I just don’t care.  Terrible attitude, I know.  But seriously, as long as I graduate, I really don’t care about my grades.  I could get C’s in all my classes and still be above a 3.0.  So what’s to stress about?  WELL…I am stressing.  I feel like as soon as I get ahead in one class, I get behind in another, like I can’t catch up.  Quizzes, oral exams, poems, papers, short stories, online quizzes, yada yada ya.  I feel like I’m buried in papers and can only come out to breath when it’s time to eat. 


This morning, I walked three miles at the gym.  I didn’t read the latest gossip in Us, or People.  Instead, I read 75 pages of text for a class.  It was actually nice.  I didn’t notice how much I had walked, and I got school work done.  So, I burned over 300 calories reading :).


I also need to organize my notebook.  That is my big plan for tonight (after class, of course).  This way, I know what is in there, what I need to find and what I need to throw away.  Organization is important to me, so I need to get organized to make it through this week.


Next week is Spring Break, and I am purposely not going ANYWHERE.  I’ve never gone on a trip during Spring Break, and it didn’t seen necessary this semester either.  I mean, I can save money, not get plastered, therefore remember my break, get wedding planning done, and laundry, and hang out with friends.  I hope that it will be a relaxing time, and that I will get a lot done (and I’m not looking at school work one bit).




On another note, I went to the library last night.  I had to return a book, and I checked a few out as well.  February was missions month at church and I taught “facts” about Africa to the kids.  I decided that I want to learn more about Africa.  I took a course called “The Introduction to the African Experience” but I honestly didn’t get much out of it (that I can remember).  But teaching these kids really got me interested.  So, I’m starting with Angola.  I got two books out last night on Angola, and I’ll let you know soon how it goes.  Then, I will continue through the countries. 


Also at the library, I checked out a movie called “Super Size Me”.  Oh my goodness!  Brent and I watched it together last night, and then this morning my mom and I watched it again.  If you haven’t seen it, I advise you to see it.  It really opens your eyes to the disgustingness of fast food.  Parts of it are gross (he throws up, they show a gastric bypass surgery, etc).

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Is it enough for you? Is HE enough for you?

So yesterday we took communion in church and I really focused on prayer during this week.  I didn’t look around (I know, sometimes I’m guilty of not being focused), and I just prayed.  I prayed for direction, strength to get through this semester (because it’s killing me), for Brent and my relationship, for my family, for my friends, for our church, etc. 


And while I was praying my stomach was growling, like a lot!  And I cought myself thinking this “ug, I really wish that bread tasted better,” and “I wonder what I’m going to eat for lunch.”  Sad, I know.


But I remember this one time after Bible quiz practice, Grandma Jessie (a wonderful lady who use to help us, and bring us snacks) had a short communion time for us.  At that time we were studying about communion.  She had bread and grape juice for us.  When we were done, we were all like “okay, now what’s for snack?”  Then she asked us, “Isn’t that enough for you?  Isn’t Christ’s body and blood enough for you?”  We were all pretty shocked, and embarrased for wanting more. 


So I thought about this as the bread was coming around.  I asked myself if He is enough for me.  I found myself more focused, and more determined to pray.  It was a short time of closeness with God, and I thought I should share it.  Communion is an important time of reflection, repentence, and reverence to Christ and what he did for you. 


I encourage you, next time  you take communion, to ask youself: “Is this enough for me?  Is HE enough for me?”

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